Hello ! Seattle !
Work and Travel in USA (1) Photo by adai , camera : Ricoh GR Digital
My China friend bought a camera, so I can use her camera to connect computer
so , I can upload pic now .
but I have No computer to edit picture , so I just can upload the picture without any editing.
Here are some picture that I snapshot in USA.
1st day
the plane I take
2. the middle night on the plane
4. My dinner
(btw, My breakfask in the plane is Chinese noodle...)
5.Arrive USA
6.San Francisco Airport
(this is my first see so many gates in a airport XD OVER 100 gates)
7. My plane delayed ~"~ , and it had changed gate five times ...my god
8. Seattle airport public bus to downtown.
9.grayhound bus station
(so f........... hmn = =)
10.Water $2
So expensive
11.In the morning , Spokane Grayhound bus station
to be continued...
see more article about my trip
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